How To Sage Your Home


White Sage is a beautiful gift given to us by Mother Earth with the power to clear negative energies and build active space.

White sage, also known as Salvia Apiana, is a hardy evergreen shrub that frowns in the southwestern part of the United States as well as in Mexico. It’s named for the long silvery-white leaves that are burnt to emit cleansing vibrations. The leaves are pungent and fragrant and it’s true that not everyone loves the scent of burning sage. However, it’s perfectly acceptable to follow it up with a sweeter-smelling incense for a different finish like rose or lavender.

The traditional approach to house smudging (another word for using sage to cleanse) is top to bottom, back to front. This means starting in the top floor back of the house and working to the front door. If you live in an apartment or studio, then simply begin in the ‘ back’ and work toward the front door. Open all windows at least a crack. This is a way to allow negative energy to move out as you work. It’s common to light at least one white blessed candle as you are working and set out one glass of clear water. The flame and water help to set the intention and will assist with clearing out negative energy. white candles and clear water are very traditional symbols for cleansing.

The right mindset for a successful smudge is to remind yourself that this is your personal space. You are the sovereign ruler of this space and you have the authority over what type of energy exists in this space. You’re not a victim of negative energy, you are the ruler who decides what is allowed in.

When you’re ready to begin, light up the sage. You might be using loose white sage, or you might be using a smudge stick. But either way, remember that it’s the smoke that will be doing the work. Allow the sage to smolder for a minute or two and then blow it out and begin your work. Make sure it’s caught fire enough to produce smoke the whole time.

An all-purpose chant I use with sage goes like this :

All negative thoughts are banished,

All unwanted vibrations are gone,

Only the forces and powers I wish,

Remain within from his moment on.

Repeat the chant and also speak from your heart as you allow smoke to permeate throughout the space. You can repeat this chant over and over again for as long as you want. But don’t be afraid to speak from your heart and say how you truly feel. It’s a good idea to work in a clockwise fashion and allow the smoke to go everywhere. Allow smoke into all the nooks and crannies of your space. It will go into those crevices and do it’s job.

When you are all finished with the smoke, close your windows, and pour the water down the sink. You may allow the white candle to burn all the way down. You can use this method as often or as little as you need. It’s important to remember that you are the one living in this space. You will know when things feel off and in need of cleansing, and now that you know how to cleanse,

Your space is now clear!


Seven Effective Alternatives to Sage


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