Lisa McGarrity
Psychic Medium
Lisa McGarrity is a psychic medium who has been helping people and performing psychic readings for more than 25 years. Her talents offer sensitive, intuitive sessions which address past, present and future, information, or she can communicate with our beloved ancestors in Spirit. She has a knack for seeing the future and is skilled at helping her clients create the future they actually want. Her deep belief is that there is always a spiritual solution for all of life’s practical problems. Her commitment to her clients is to be a guide, teacher and healer that empowers them and brings more clarity and joy to their lives.
Lisa has been the owner of Envision Crystal since 2003. She enjoys helping clients over the counter at the store as well as in private readings.
Over the years, Lisa has studied with many different magical practitioners from all over the world. This has given her the ability to understand a variety of cultures, magic, ideas and traditions. Lisa currently offers a variety of services including psychic readings, spiritual mediumship, shamanic healing, soul retrieval, past life regression, custom spell services, and she has a specialty in curse removal. Whatever challenge you are facing Lisa McGarrity is able to support your magical journey.
Read The Journal to get a look at Lisa and her writing.
Esteemed guest on Coast to Coast Am, appeared repeated times. Click Here
Featured on the Emmy Award-winning docu-series “Beyond the Broomstick: Witches on Long Island” Click Here for a glossary
Sought out by and featured on TBR News. Spotlighting her mediumship skills and more Click Here
Appeared on 94.3 with Brian Orlando
For press inquiries, interviews, speaking, and appearance information please email here only.