My Tarot Journey and Feelings on The Cards

a woman hand with painted fingernails and a pearl ring reaches forward to pull a tarot card. she pulls the sun card, while several other traditional cars lay flat on her wooden table

I received my first deck of tarot cards in my Christmas stocking at age 11. Clearly a gift from my mother, she winked at me and told me Santa left them. From that moment on it, I was madly in love with the cards. Tarot cards are an amazing tool. A deck of 78 different cards which symbolize the gamut of human thoughts and emotions. The tarot can tell us things we didn’t even know we needed to know. More popular than ever today,  tarot readers are consulted by people all over the world. They open the door to inner perception and pro if a channel for the universe to guide and inspire you. The colorful and artistic images bring messages from Spirit in a deep and wet lily precise way.  I have been reading the cards for more than forty years now and I have realized they are never wrong. At times, I don’t quite understand, but the cards themselves always reveal the truth.

If you decide to sit with a professional tarot reader, there’s a way to approach the session that will yield the best results. Begin with a clear mind and an open heart. It can be a good idea to make a list of questions before you’re reading. Think about what it is that you need to know. And also,  consider what alternative paths your life might go down. The pre-reading can be just as important as the reading. Often, just making the list of questions helps to set the energy correctly for the reader to do their job.

Reading is like an amazing meeting between the unseen angels and guides of yours, as well as the helpers and guides of your Tarot Reading professional. The room often takes on an eerie otherworldly feeling once the session begins. Be prepared to hear what’s being said, even if it is not exactly what you want to be told. Just keep an open mind. The tarot cards are giving an impression of how your life path is in this present moment. If something shows up that you don’t like, that’s ok. You can make different choices and then get a different outcome. Free will always reign.

What’s wonderful about a tarot reading with an experienced diviner, is how emotionally deep and truthful the sessions usually are. The cards can give you an accurate snapshot of your spiritual path. Sometimes past wounds show up, as well as indicators of how they are affecting you today. Also, they will show possible futures and point out what to be aware of in your future. Together, with the help of your reader, you can make a plan for wise choices and strong actions to create the future you truly want.

I encourage many of my clients to get their special deck for home. I believe the skill of reading the cards can be learned by almost anyone. With practice and determination, you will begin to understand what each card means and what they are saying in combination.  It’s ok if in the beginning you look up card readings and jot down random impressions. It’s part of how we learn to understand the cards.

A couple of tips for reading your cards at home.

Firstly, ground and center before consulting the deck. Take a deep breath and relax. Clear your mind to the best of your ability. If you start from a clear and relaxed space, the reading will be higher vibration and more accurate.

Secondly, keep your cards in a sacred way. In the old days, it was suggested to wrap your deck in a black silk cloth and store it away where no one else can touch it. Today, I suggest my clients keep their deck, wrapped or in a closed box, to keep the cards from picking up negative vibrations. Also, clear them with incense or sage from time to time. Keeping the tool clear and Hugh's vibration is another way to ensure accurate sessions.

Lastly, don’t obsess! There is a temptation to ask and ask the cards over and over again, the same question. Even those of us who have been at this a long time are occasionally guilty of this. It’s human nature! But the best plan is to just ask once, and if sincerely unsure, ask for clarity. But in the end, let the cards tell the story they want to tell, and don’t try to force outcomes. Tarot has a language of its own and this language becomes clearer and more helpful over time.


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