10 Energy Skills for Empaths

Being someone who is interested in any branch of spirituality, we have a lot of very energy sensitive members. Sometimes it’s great to sense the vibrations of people around us. But sometimes we need a break to relax and recharge. Here’s some strategies for getting your aura reset. 

  1. Try 7 slow deliberate deep breaths. Deep breathing is a signal to your mind to change your vibration. It calms body mind and soul and can be very restorative in hair a few minutes.

  2. Shower or bathe with salt. Epsom salt, sea salt, or pink Himalayan salt are a wonderful addition to a bath or shower. The salty water will remove any energy that doesn’t serve you.

  3. Visualize a potent ‘net’ of white light passing through your energy field. Visualize it moving from head to toe, collecting any and every energy that doesn’t belong to you.

  4. Apply a drop or two of essential Oil. Scents such as sandalwood, frankincense or lavender can be good choices. Just 1-3 drops can help reinforce your aura and change your over all energy.  Try diluting these scents in carrier oil and use on pulse points, and back of neck for best effect.

  5. if you’re in the presence of someone who is draining, and you feel yourself being drained, excuse yourself and leave. Being able to say NO in life is an important skill. The better we set boundaries in the 3D reality, the easier it is to hold boundaries in our energy.

  6. Smudge with sage or other clearing herbs. White sage, rosemary, and pine are 3 great choices. Try burning these herbs and allowing their sacred smoke to cleanse your aura. Also, frankincense resin has been shown to be an anti depressant. It lifts the vibration!

  7. Spend time in a quiet space. Turn off TV, Set down phone & spend a bit of time in the quiet. Even if you’re not meditating just being in the quiet can help your aura right itself

  8. Meditate! Practice any style of meditation you enjoy. Meditating reinvigorates body mind and spirit.

  9. Light candles. White, black or gray candles especially can be charged to clear an aura, a person or a space. The flame is sacred and changes the energy field of anyone who sees it.

  10. Create an affirmation to recite for times of overwhelm. A repeated statement such as, I am at peace and now release any and every energy that doesn’t belong to me. My aura is healthy and whole. Affirmations can trigger the subconscious mind to let unwanted energy go.


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